Sunday, April 5, 2020

School Board Election Musings

About three weeks ago I composed a letter in support of Mike Hoffman’s candidacy for the School District of Milton Board of Education.  I promptly sent this letter to both The Janesville Gazette and The Milton Courier.  The Gazette responded immediately, asking me to submit the letter in a bit different format. I complied with that simple request and they promptly printed my letter.  I watched The Courier for the next two weeks but, alas, my letter was never published. This seemed odd to me as I believe my letter conformed to their published regulations regarding length, content, etc. I was a bit fussed up about this but then realized that I might have sent it to an incorrect e-mail address, it may have ended up in Spam (many consider my thoughts & writing spam anyway), maybe I thought I sent it but did not, and on with the rationalizations. Of course, I would rather this was someone else’s fault rather than mine, but I try very hard to accept responsibility for my behavior. I like to think I live my life that way – at any rate, I have tried over the course of my now 70 years.  I then discovered that another letter in support of Mike was also not published.  So, I don’t know what’s up with that. I do not know how to run a newspaper. I have no useful knowledge concerning how papers decide what to publish and what to ignore.  So, this is out of my control and I will leave it. But this important election is now upon us and I really wanted to share my strong support of Mike so, here is my letter, followed by some comments about a couple of other candidates.

Editor – The Milton Courier

Are you looking for a School Board candidate who has 30 years of experience working with students not only in a classroom setting but also one-on-one as a tutoring specialist? A person of high integrity and deep personal faith? A person who has invested personal time in earning an advanced degree in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis? A person who has significantly served others in his world-wide not-for-profit endeavors notably in Africa and Haiti? Then Mike Hoffman is your candidate.

I have had the opportunity to observe Mike working with students. His knowledge, preparation and caring were so apparent. He is a master teacher who has positively influenced all those Milton students who have had the good fortune to experience his skill.
Mike and I have been friends for at least thirty years. My life is richer for that. Milton children are richer for his influence on them as are our teachers for having had Mike as a role model. Mike is a consistent man of character. I have every confidence that he will bring these skills and attributes to bear as a School Board member. Mike Hoffman has my vote and I recommend that you give him yours as well.

Jon Cruzan
Milton, WI

Thank you to my half a dozen readers for listening.

But, wait, I wanted to say a few words about a couple of the other candidates as well, namely, Shelly Crull-Hanke and Dave Holterman.

I was fortunate to serve on the school board with Shelly. In my mind, she was clearly an asset.  Shelly was always well prepared & informed. She did her homework. She spent time in our school buildings & attending activities.  She spoke her opinions & positions clearly, articulately, and with respect for others. When the board voted, she supported the vote of the majority.  Her experience as an educator in another school district brought with it great perspective.  Based on this record, she has my vote and support.

Dave Holterman is a great guy.  I have worked with him in the community and like his style and approach.  I worked on his behalf early in this election cycle.  I believe he would make a good school board member. However, as life would have it, Dave has slipped down my list, not because of anything he has said or done, but because of my experiences with Mike & Shelly. Sometimes when it rains, it pours.

I am grateful for this community. I am grateful for our phenomenal school district and the leaders over the years who have made it what it is and for the leaders today who build on that foundation and carry it forward.  I am grateful for all the interested candidates which provides us with a contested rather than an uncontested election. Janesville does not have that luxury or, apparently, degree of interest from citizens in their school district.

Let’s celebrate what we have and make it even stronger by casting you vote in this most important election.

After all, KIDS MATTER


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