Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Warmed & United by Milton West Winter Sing

It’s early evening at the Platts Performing Arts Center. The crowd is pressing in quickly to find good seats and save places for family members who are still on the way. Parents, grandparents, and young siblings of those soon to be performing make up this audience and it’s heartwarming to observe groups greet one another, wave, or call-out to those across the room. The atmosphere is electric and the anticipation palpable. Throughout the audience, young children can barely contain themselves. It seems that many parents and grandparents are not far from this state themselves.

Adding to the excitement, the stage, bathed in bright lights, gleams and a variety of instruments reflect the light. The long curve of the risers forms a welcoming smile not only to the audience but also to those Rising Red Hawks soon to be standing on them, pouring out their very being in song.

That veritable fixture of the PAC, High School teacher Michael Dorn, unobtrusively makes his way across the stage completing his final mic checks.

And then those Milton West 2nd & 3rd graders begin to file in. Cries of, “there they are!”, “I see her!”, “Where is he?”, ring through the room. It’s showtime. Music teacher, Alison Jewer, makes a few introductory remarks and the music begins.

The 2nd grade starts the singing. Their voices are clear, bright, and so enthusiastic. They just nail their final number – ‘I Promise’ by Teresa Jennings. Read these words –

When I make a promise, I will keep it.
When I give my word to you, I will act with honesty.
I will tell the truth you see.
When I give my word to you, you will know my word is true.”

Do any of you remember songs you sang in elementary school programs? I do, some of them remarkably well. I find the words and meanings imprinted indelibly on me even as I approach my 7th decade. Does music teach our children and enrich their lives? I think so, and what great lessons are bestowed on them. This is so important because kids matter. Oh, the things we can learn from kids.

The 3rd graders continue the lesson with another Teresa Jennings song, ‘Just One Candle’.
Pretty awesome words here as well featuring 3 great soloists.

If I light just one candle
And you light just one too
And we pass the flame from wick to wick
From us to you and you.
And if we keep it going
Around the world you’ll see
The world is glowing with light that comes from you and me.”

With one candle, just one candle. Yes, one candle burning bright.
With one candle, just one candle, we can fill the world with light.”

Just to be sure of the lesson, another Teresa Jennings song, ‘A Song of Peace’, also featuring soloists.

If I could write a magic song that everyone could sing
I would write of love, of hope and joy, and things that peace could bring
And when we sing my magic song, all hate and war will cease.
If I could write a magic song, I’d write a song of peace.”

One song for all of us. One song could bring us peace.”

Out of the mouths of babes! This night we were privileged to be taught, to be entertained, to have a preview of Rising Red Hawk members of Choralation, Octave Above, & Revolution. We experienced community building in action (I have long believed that our schools are our community centers), we reaped the rewards of all those staff members who did extra work to allow this program to take place in the PAC rather than the tiny gym at Milton West. We enjoyed ourselves, we nearly burst with pride, we were overwhelmed with good will, we participated in building lives, in building community.

After all, Kids Matter!


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