Friday, September 8, 2017

Milton Pride & Inspiration

With the world so full of negativity and animosity, I try hard to “catch” people doing things right.  I have found it’s not that difficult; that it’s just a matter of being mindful, and observant.  The next step is then finding a way to acknowledge and reinforce that positive behavior. We must tell these positive stories and revel in them if we ever hope to change our mindset from negative to positive.  We must become intentional about this because it simply won’t happen on its own. Dan Siegel captured this well in these powerful words. . .

“To be the change we wish to see in the world, we need to be aware of our awareness, to hold within this place of knowing our unfolding sense of being awake. It requires that we hold our own intention in the front of our minds – that we pay attention to our intention.”

So, with that being said, let’s cut to the chase.  The School District of Milton is teeming with people doing things right.  Let me focus on one aspect today – our buildings & grounds.  I walk in Milton a great deal and spend time at our various buildings.  I am extremely impressed with the appearance and upkeep of our properties.  The lawns, the shrubbery, the exterior image is one of excellence and pride of place.  I interact with the buildings & grounds staff and find them friendly, upbeat, and professional.  It is clear to me that they are engaged in their work.  Their pride shows clearly in the results of their efforts. 

By contrast, I often drive by schools in other communities when I am out and about.  Many look great but many others look like they are owned by uncaring, absentee landlords.  The shrubbery is taking over the buildings, the lawns are unkempt, the driveways & approaches are not welcoming and inviting, the signage is dilapidated – you get the picture.  How sad.  What is your impression when you enter or go by a restaurant, an attorney’s office, a bank, a clothing store that has fallen off the edge of upkeep? I know what mine is.  First impressions, right or wrong, are strong and lasting. Not only that but you never have a chance to erase that first impression. In my opinion, there are no small things!  Perhaps these communities simply don’t have the funds but I believe it is far more than that.  I believe this is a question of leadership or, perhaps, the lack of it.

The kind of pride and excellence that Milton enjoys comes from the top.  Our culture supports, leads, and inspires staff members to these levels of excellence.  To be precise about buildings and grounds you need to know that Building & Grounds Supervisor, Stephen Schantz, is an absolute rock star. From my observations he does it right.  He believes in his work and inspires those working for and with him to levels of excellence not enjoyed by other communities. I have had the privilege of watching him in action at meetings where he is prepared, concise, accurate, pleasant, and professional.  I have watched him interact with citizens in outstanding ways.  Clearly, the work of his people speaks for itself.  Just take a look.  Give Stephen and his crew a shout out. Their pride is obvious, their engagement is obvious, their excellence is obvious.  Their work creates such a positive, statement about who and what it means to be a Red Hawk.

Thank you, Stephen, for your dedication & leadership. You make it better for our kids (after all – Kids Matter) and you inspire me.  #MiltonPride#MSDinspire

Kids Matter
Jon Cruzan
Community Catalyst


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