Sunday, September 1, 2024

Once Again, The School Year Begins - Thank You Milton Staff Members!

 It is here already – Labor Day Weekend 2024. While our Rising Red Hawk students do not begin classes until the day after the holiday, for the past week our school buildings have been abuzz with staff members preparing for that day.

I have always respected and valued our school staff members, but this past school year ramped up my respect several notches. I was privileged to serve as an AVID tutor at the Middle School. This involved working with small groups of 7th and 8th grade Red Hawks for four hours each week. This responsibility so opened my eyes to the challenges faced by many students and, thus, our school staff members.

I applaud each one of you whatever your position and responsibilities. You are the puzzle pieces that combine to create a complete picture. Working collaboratively, you create a synergy – a situation where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. No small task by any means.

Helice Bridges is credited with saying, “I am not here to make a living. I am here to make a difference.” This is so true of the teachers, staff members, and administrators of our phenomenal school district. Truly, you live the mission – Opportunity, Achievement, Community.

Please do not ever sell yourselves short. You are providing Milton kids – our kids – a positive imprinting that will last for life. Your voice, your lessons, your treatment of them will condition how they look upon themselves and the world.

Thank you for your dedication, effort, expertise, and sacrifice of personal time to make things happen for “our” kids.

 After all – Kids Matter



Monday, March 4, 2024

A Story That Needs To Be Heard Often

Last week, one of the heartbeats of our community – our phenomenal school system - marked the close of another grading period. This meant the end of the 2nd Trimester for Middle and High Schoolers and more like the end of the third quarter for Northside, East, West, Consolidated, and Harmony. As part of this march of time, our elementaries and Northside hosted parent/staff conferences.

My personal belief is that life is about connections and establishing relationships.  Conferences provide a great opportunity for parents and guardians to connect with and become acquainted with many of the significant adults in their children’s lives. These are adults who may very well spend more waking hours with “our” children than do parents.  

I understand that conferences take extra time for parents and require planning ahead and working them into already busy, complicated family schedules, but what an opportunity to gain insight into a huge part of our children’s lives.

Another very strong personal belief I have is that our teachers and other professional educators pour their hearts and souls into their calling. The result of this dedication is that they provide Opportunity, leading to Achievement, resulting in Community. They strongly contribute to a better Milton for all of us.

I cannot thank and affirm teachers and other staff members enough for the time, preparation, and absolute caring they invest in this process and “our” kids. Conference week, while great, also has a huge impact on the lives and families of our teachers. Their schedules, their routines, their other obligations are totally disrupted in their efforts to make conferences work for parents and families.

A huge thank-you to our teachers, administrators, custodians, and other staff members for your dedication to and investment in our families and, thus, our community.


After all – Kids Matter!